Ayurvedic Orthopedic Tablet - Ortho 1 Forte by Primeveda Herbs is one such medicine that helps strengthen the joints by protecting them from Arthritis. The medication is entirely composed with the ayurvedic herbs that specializes in the treatment of arthralgia. The daily consumption of the tablets releases the stiffness in the joints .
It provides an intense amount of nutrition to the muscles which increases the blood circulation in the muscles thereby increasing the oxygen levels in the joints. The anti-inflammatory properties play a major role in the pains.
The tablet helps in the free movement of the joints which prevents the swelling and inflammation and lets the person walk freely. The tablet is free from all the chemical substances and provides an entirely natural care with all the ayurvedic herbs.
As the tablet is purely made with the ayurvedic herbs, it serves plenty of benefits to the body.
One has to take certain precautions during the medicinal period.
Direction for the consumption of the Ayurvedic Orthopedic Tablet - Ortho 1 Forte
The consumption guide depends on the prescription of the clinician but thi medicine is safe to consume with or without food. Remember to take the medication at the fixed time recommended by the clinician only.
This Ayurvedic Orthopedic tablet is completely an ayurvedic product hence it may not cause any serious side effects but there are chances of minor allergies with the usages that won't last long.
There are no such allergies observed with the consumption.
Storage of Ayurvedic Orthopedic Tablet - Ortho 1 Forte
The tablets have to be stored in a cool and dry place with no contact of sunlight and bacterias.
Packaging of Ortho-1 Tablets
The tablets are packed in a vacuum packaging with the plastic covering around the tablets in a box size of 10X10. Each box of tablets consists of 10 tablets each.
Note - Ayurvedic Orthopedic Tablet - Ortho 1 Forte tablets are for external use only.
Caution - The drug is not for the consumption of children.
Frequently Asked Questions for Ayurvedic Orthopedic Tablet - Ortho 1 Forte
Question 1. Can the Ayurvedic Orthopedic Tablet - Ortho 1 Forte tablet be consumed for the body stiffness occurred due
to menstruation cycle?
Answer 1. As mentioned above, the drug is only for the severe joint pains hence,one
cannot consume the tablet during their menstruation cycle.
Question 2. Is Ayurvedic Orthopedic Tablet - Ortho 1 Forte tablet medically safe for use?
Answer 2. Yes, our tablet is medically tested and is entirely safe for use.